Posts Tagged ‘Ian McKellon’

Hello Internet, and here I am again keeping my word and doing what I said I would do. Man. I need to get myself back on form… hang on I’m gonna go light something on fire… Okay, well that’s a little better anyway. So where were we? Oh yeah, me keeping my promises and reviewing the Hobbit. Or (as I should call it)

Micah Reviews: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

There are probably too many colons up there huh? Not like colon colons like that thing in your body that does… something. Just regular colons. Two little dots that signify the top of a smiley face. Or something. Anyway, the Hobbit: AUJ was definitely one of my most anticipated movies of the year and I went into the film with a song in my heart and a sword in my hand. So, did it live up to the hype or is this one Hobbit whose toe hairs just weren’t curly enough?

The Plot:

Even Bilbo is excited about this blog!

Even Bilbo is excited about this blog!

That extremely disturbing mental image aside, the Hobbit begins just a little bit before the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring (the first movie in the first trilogy) and after a few minutes if semi-aimless wandering around Hobbiton, and a narration of some dwarfs getting medieval style owned by a dragon, the movie ACTUALLY begins with a quick jump back thirty or so years where we meet Young Bilbo Baggins. Young Bilbo is a placid sort of person, uninterested in the world, content to just sit and smoke his pipe. Until that is he is introduced to Gandalf the Grey and a group of twelve dwarfs who are on their way to reclaim their lost kingdom from the evil dragon Smaug.

Bilbo (somewhat unwillingly) joins up with the dwarfs and is brought along as they make the long trek towards the Misty Mountain. Meanwhile (in another part of Middle Earth) a creepy, strange, odd, weird, mostly pointless, weird, strange wizard named Radagast discovers that something is very rotten in the state of Denmark. I mean… the woods. Of Mirkwood.

Most of the problems with Mirkwood can be boiled down to: neighbors.

Most of the problems with Mirkwood can be boiled down to the neighbors.

But meanwhile to that meanwhile, Bilbo and co. are captured by a group of cave goblins. Bilbo escapes but is lost in the tunnels where he finds a class ring and—Where he finds a ring of power and is introduced to a creepy cave dwelly “person” named Gollum. Bilbo discovers that his ring has the power to make him invisible, the dwarfs escape with the help of Gandalf the Grey (and their apparent immunity to gravity) and after a hardy laugh and some more “tobacco” from their “pipes” they all set of towards the Lonely Mountain.

The Positrons:

I really liked this movie. I thought it was a great first entry into what will be another great Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo is played incredibly well  by Martin Freeman and the rest of the cast is also brilliantly cast, with special nods going to the ever awesome Ian McKellen and Richard Armitage who did really well with the character of Thorin Oakenshield.

I thought the dwarfs were handled really well. Even in the books it’s sometimes hard to remember which dwarf is which when all twelve of them are running around with names that rhyme (Ori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Mary, Moffat etc.) but I thought the movie did a really great job making each dwarf into his own character and giving you a different reason to like each one in turn (James Nesbitt’s Bofur being one of my favorites).

The dwarfs of Middle Earth: Probably drunker then you are.

The dwarfs of Middle Earth: Probably drunker then you are.

Just the whole world of Lord of the Rings is still so well captured by these movies. Yes, the Hobbit has a different more fun feel to it (so does the book by the way) but it is still unmistakably Lord of the Rings and it is still a journey well worth taking. I do have some negatives on the film and we will talk about them but hey I’m a critic that’s my “job” (air quotes required by people who actually get paid to do this), but I really really liked this movie and would willingly pay to see it again. That said let’s get to:

The Negatrons:

Radagast. Oh. Buddy. How. Radagast is the Jar Jar Binks of this movie. I get that he’s a little eccentric. I even get that you wanted to use him for comic relief. Fine, great, go for it. But there’s comic relief, and then there’s a wizard riding around on a sleigh carried by giant rabbits with something that I’m pretty sure is bird poop clinging to the side of his face. One does not demand the other.

Oh look! It's the worst idea ever...

Oh look! It’s the worst idea ever…

The characters in this movie are all apparently made of flubber. Dwarves are punched, crushed, and thrown off cliffs and they all seem to just bounce right back up and keep on moving. Once again, I understand that this is a “lighter” sort of movie, but just cause you want something to be lighter doesn’t mean you can launch somebody of a mountain. Man… that should be a greeting card or something.

At times the movie seems to drag a lot. I’m thinking particularly of the opening sequence and a section in the middle where there’s a lot of fairly unnecessary sitting and talking. It didn’t really bother me but that’s cause I am (unapologetically) a complete geek (In a manly, awesome kind of way). I get that we’re setting things up for the next movie/establishing some kind of connection to the old trilogy but we did seem to belabor this particular point a lot.

Special note needs to be given to what might be the lowest point of these entire movies: the Goblin King saying “that’ll do it” and then dying. I would have thrown up but my heart punched myself in the trachea so hard that I couldn’t.

In Conclusion:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a great movie. I loved the characters (giant rabbit wielding wizards aside), enjoyed the story, and am certainly looking forward to what’s coming next in the trilogy. Sure, I had some gripes with it, but that shouldn’t (and doesn’t) detract from my (or your) ability to enjoy a great movie, with a great cast, and an epic story. Hobbit On!

I give it 4 bouncy wizard rabbits out of 5.

Man… now that Spiderman has come out I guess it’s time for me to re-enter my tiny movie shaped tent as I wait for the Dark Knight Rises. I don’t know what I’ll do after that… maybe start taking life more seriously… like, ya know, get a plan for my future and really think about what I want to do with my hopes and dreams… Nah. I’ll probably just start construction on that Batmobile I’ve been working on.

Anyway though, that’s not what we’re here to talk about today (though if you know where I can get my hands on some rocket fuel text me). No, today we’re going to talk about a movie series so epic and awesome that it literally changed the entire lives of tiny hairy footed people everywhere!! That’s right, after more than a YEAR on the internet… how long have I been on the internet?? I should know this… Anyway, after what I’m pretty sure is more than a YEAR on the internet it’s time for:

Micah Reviews: The Lord of The Rings!!

AKA: Best thing ever.

The Plot:

Three Rings for the Elven Kings Under the Sky

Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their Halls of Stone

And nine rings for Mortal Men Doomed to Die

And none for the Hobbits… cause they would probably eat them… or something.

Also one for the Dark Lord… which he will probably be irresponsible with.

I’m pretty sure that’s something like how the Lord of the Rings starts. The point being that some people made some rings of power and then distributed them around to everybody who had a vague interest in such things. Then The Dark Lord made another one called “The One Ring” with which he made war on Middle-Earth. And then he lost it.

“Where did you last have it?” Asked Wife Dark Lord.

“It was right here on my finger!!” Sauron replied.

“Whatever…” Wife Lord replied. “I’ve seen you!!”

Anyway the Ring was found in a movie that’s coming out this December by a Bilbo (Martin Freeman) who then became old Bilbo (Ian Holme) who then gave it to Frodo after a party that got way out of hand… see what I did there?

Anyway, Frodo takes off on an epic journey of epic-hood despite being only a tiny hobbit typed person that no one really likes. Along the way he meets a Fellowship of people which features a dethroned King, three other similarly height challenged hobbits, a dwarf, Sean Bean, Gandalf (the Grey/white/awesome) and the Elf version of Justin Bieber (If Justin Bieber was awesome and shot things… so actually very little like Justin Bieber. “I am Justin Bieber. Or rather Justin Bieber as he should have been.” What? No one got that joke?? Man…)

Legolas: Being awesome with a bow WAY before The Hunger Games

Together they must destroy the Ring, save Middle-earth, and make some Epic war on some epic monsters.

The Positives:

All joking aside (I make fun of the plot cause I love it so well) these are amazing movies. If for some reason you haven’t watched them in the last few years, you should. Cause very rarely will you come across a trilogy that tells such a great story through all three movies. Each one building on the other, characters developing and growing, tragedy and triumphs, epic battles and small moments. It’s a beautiful story and a cinematic experience like none other you will ever have. Wow… that was beautiful. I’m gonna write positive things more often… bahaha. No.

A great cast all around for these movies, with standout performances from: Ian Mckellon, Sean Astin, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortenson, Orlando Bloom (yes I made fun of him earlier. No I don’t think he was bad in these movies)… okay so pretty much the entire cast. Just… look at the back of the box and insert those names here. Do they put the cast names on the back of the box anymore?… pretty sure not. Oh well, too late now.

*Insert beat to death “You Shall Not Pass” joke here.

I’m only struggling to come up with things to put here because when someone feeds you a delicious cherry pie it’s hard to point to a specific cherry and go “that one’s my favorite.” The music is beautiful, the visuals are awesome, the fights are sweet, and the crust was perfect. Sorry… got stuck on the pie thing there. Anyway the Lord of the Rings is awesome. Watch it. If you have watched it, watch it again.

The Negatrons:

Umm… uh… The… pickles… weren’t… juicy?

Yeah I have no idea. I mean I guess you could say that the first one starts out slow if you’re some sort of four year old kid who recently ate an entire box of pixie sticks AND there rappers… or wrappers… which is probably more right, though significantly less funny.

In Conclusion:

The Lord of the Rings is the standard by which all fantasy typed movies are measured and frankly, no fantasy swordy typed movie that’s come out since has gotten even CLOSE to achieving the greatness of this series. You’ll love the characters, be swept up in the world, and never forget the awesome things you learn there!

I give it 5 hairy footed peeping peeps, out of 5.

Recently I learned that Sir Ian Mckellen and Sir Patrick Stewart will be on stage in London together. Aside from the desperate theft I resorted to as I attempted to get tickets to this event and my moderately unsuccessful bid to convince various members of Theater Security that I was the Queen Mother of England this news set me to thinking…. thinking thoughts… of thoughtness.

And as I thought I thought to myself “How much would… could a wood duck duck… if a wood duck would duck wood?” And after I was finished being thoroughly impressed with myself I thought “I wonder which actors today will be the awesome old guys of the future…” Thusly I devised the following list.

The Current and the Future of Awesome Old People.

Believe it or not this list was surprisingly hard to compose… I mean think about this for a little bit. Aside from one that was painfully obvious I nearly succeeded in stumping myself. But I like the stumpmaster that I am have prevailed and now present this list of four men.

The Current: Michael Caine.

"Sir I've put some extra awesome in your tea. Cause I'm Michael Caine!"

Michael Caine is one of the most underrated brilliant old people in the business. You know his as Alfred, Batman’s butler in the new Batman series and while Caine is absolutely brilliant in that movie he has a lot more acting depth then just that. Watch Harry Brown sometime and be blown away!! (Lots of cussing in that movie… just so you know). Caine is brilliant at the old wise advisor person and will break your heart when he turns it on!

Next in line…

Kenneth Branaugh-

Probably the least well known actor on this list Branaugh will be an absolutely fantastic old person. He hasn’t really headlined a lot of movies to date but he’s starting to get more well known as he heads into the older middle-agededness and I think will slide absolutely perfectly into Michael Caine’s well worn butler shoes. The big question I’m asking I suppose throughout this is “Could Actor A play Old Man B’s character?” The answer here being absolutely yes. Branaugh would nail the old wise Butler role! So there you go.

And moving on to…

The Current: Morgan Freemen.

Morgan Freemen: So much hair. So much cool.

Oh Morgan Freemen. Ironically he’s also attached to the Batman series but that’s hardly his most iconic role… in fact it’s really hard to nail down Morgan’s most iconic role…  Hmmm… yeah no idea. Anyway Morgan Freeman has been the aged awesome African Amercan guy in more movies then I care to think about! So who is the natural descendant to the curly half afroed sweetness that is Morgan Freemen? How about…

Next in line:

Either Denzel Washington or Don Cheadle…

A toss up for me between these two… Sure Denzel is more famous now and honestly looks UNCANNILY similar to Freeman but Don Cheadle is one of the most grossly unappreciated actors in the business and as he gets older more and more people are going to realize this. Just cause your successful now doesn’t mean you will be later. I mean neither Freemen nor Caine were super renowned when they were young actors either. So which one of these guys will rise to prominence in twenty years? I have no idea but the crown can only go to one!! So I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

And then we have: Sean Connery.

Sean Connery: The coolest man ever to wear a kilt.

No longer in the business but still one of film’s greatest icons Sean Connery and his silky smooth Scottish accents were some of the coolest things ever to grace any screen ever in the world. Then Sean got old and perfectly adapted into the tough awesome old guy who alternately scared the ever loving kidney out of you, and made you want to weep openly.

And this mantle will be taken by…

Sean Bean!! Yes ladies and gentleman everyone’s favorite guy with a million arrows in him! He’s got the big action hero look to him and even the awesome facial hair factor. His biggest problem will be acquiring a silky smooth Scottish accent and finding a place to get a decent kilt, but give Sean Bean twenty years or so and he’ll have all sorts of kidney removing awesome.

And moving on to: Patrick Stewart.

That's SIR Patrick Stewart thank you very much.

Honestly this might be the single hardest choice in here. Stewart not only has a Shakespeare career with more plays listed on it then there are weird unnecessary stares in a Twilight movie, but he’s also done some great work in the Sci-fi community with major roles in Star Trek and X-men. So who could possibly take a mantle so large??

How about…

Daniel Craig… Nope wait hang on… holy cow I have it!!! After hours and hours of deliberation and thought I have decided to cast of Daniel Craig (who originally had this part knotted up) and instead give my award to the only person it could ever be given to. A man destined to take the helm of so great a baldness. A man who not only has made great contributions to stage AND sci-fi but also a man with an epically awesome voice. And that man is:

So cool not even I saw him coming.

Hugo Weaving!! WHAT!!!! Yes. Sir. Win. For. Me. This is the pick I am the second most proud of (my next one is epic) and also gets bonus points for being inspiration sent from the very heavens. Weaving’s voice is EPIC! His acting is amazing and he could easily slide in to either of Stewart’s most iconic roles. Pardon me as I go and find someone’s whose not using their arm so I can give myself a pat on the back…

And we’re back. And yes that was just as creepy as it sounded.

 And finally: Ian McKellan.

Great man! Weird teeth... and tie...

Probably the most iconic awesome old person in the business McKellan (like Stewart) has an epic pedigree of Shakespeare awesomeness and significant contributions in the sci-fi/fantasy world with both Lord of the Rings and X-men. So who could possibly replace such an iconic person? Who could be my favorite pick on this entire list?!?!

The answer…

Liam Neeson!!

Suddenly twenty years from now is looking pretty awesome.

Yep. Favorite pick and most obvious guarantee to continue to be amazing for many more years! I mean if you had to re-do Lord of the Rings twenty years from now who would you pick besides Liam Neeson? No one. Can’t you picture Liam Neeson standing on a bridge yelling “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!” I know I can and I may never walk across a bridge again.

So there you have it my top 5 old but awesome actors and my top 5 people to replace them!! Got anyone better or anyone I forgot?? Let me know!!  Thanks so much for reading and I’ll see you next week!